This disclosure policy is effective as of Jan 8, 2010.
Free stuff is good! I enjoy it. Everyone does. I will occasionally and at times do a product review, therefore if you are interested please email me at Jodi (at) woh (dot)rr(dot)com.
If a product is sent to me is free, it will not influence my opinion of the product. If I receive payment or compensation of any type for a product review, that will be disclosed at the end of the review.
There are a number of links on my page. Assume they are affliliate links. Therefore, if you link on them, I will get a percentage in return. You do not have to click on them but if you do, keep in mind that you are helping offset the cost of raising young children and helping to send them to college.
I am not a doctor, nutritionist, home inspector, etc., but my family and I are quite good at playing with toys and trying new products. I would like to think that I am a good writer and I know that I am good at forming my opinions so I think it will all work out.
I just want it to be known that money will in no way influence my blog or my opinon, so don't try... :)
Any more questions, feel free to ask.