Never in my wildest dreams, I did I think it would drag so much up. Not on my end per say but on others. I had truly thought we'd gotten past this.
I feel like I have been given a great gift, a gift of understanding. I have walked through the fire of judgment. I have felt the snare of others. It hurts. Having gone through that, I would hope that I will not be that way towards another.
I want to make myself clear on one note. Make NO mistake that I didn't and don't feel your judgment. Just because I say nothing and don't retaliate does not mean it doesn't hurt.
Back then, I thought I deserved it. I thought it was retribution for my sins. Now that I've grown up and grown in my faith, I now know treating anyone like this is just wrong. I didn't deserve it, nor do others.
When you judge someone, don't be under the misconception that they don't feel it by the way you don't acknowledge them or "guide" them with spiritual condemnation. They feel it and they know it.
Trust me, I as well as others - I'm sure, have condemned ourselves. We praise a Merciful and Forgiving Father. I can assure you that His forgiveness is much easier to come by than our own.
Make no mistake. We have all sinned. Some sins are more evident and out in the open than others.
So please, keep your judgments and your Scarlet Letters and throw no stone until the plank is pulled from your own...