
Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Struggle..

I have a battle with this phase in my life and my blog waging in my mind. My blog is a blog that is to provide encouragement and love to those who are dealing with PCOS.

I know when we were trying to get pregnant this time, every time I read a blog in which the writer became pregnant, I would get mad and stop reading it. "Why is this happening for them and not me?"

I do not want this to be the case with my blog. I want you to know that I have and am still  fighting the battle PCOS and I understand. I don't know whether to just say that I am not going to write about my pregnancy or risk upsetting people that I have grown to care about. Any ideas? Any suggestions? Any pointers?

I would love to write about the steps I took towards conceiving but is that just rubbing salt in the wounds you are carrying? Once again, please let me know...

With the end of this little blubber of words, I will go against all my feelings and show you a picture of the "baby". Keep in mind that the ultrasound picture was taken about five weeks ago. So I am a little further along but man oh man am I big!

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Question of My Life...

Well now that you all know the reason for my absence and exhaustion, maybe you could just help me out with a little question I have.... How do you get back on the horse when you don't know where it ran off to?

I am so behind in everything from cooking to housework to money to spending time with the kids... It's a hot mess around these parts!

I know it is said... "How do you eat  a whole elephant..? One bite at a time..."

But what do you do when you are eating the elephant and with each bite, you have to stop to throw up and then clean it up...? That's how I feel my life is going right now... How can I even begin to think about getting a head when I feel like getting caught up is totally not achieve able?

So all you brilliant mothers there who have it all going on... Can you give me a quick tip?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Am I still Alive?!?

Yes I am still alive and I am doing pretty well! I have been waiting a while to tell you all what was going no in my life but I do believe it is now time! Well, I guess I can just show you....

So I am sure you  can imagine how tired I have been... We are extremely excited and are truly blessed. Please be in prayer as we embark on the journey of baby #3!

*Linked to GratiTuesday!*