I know when we were trying to get pregnant this time, every time I read a blog in which the writer became pregnant, I would get mad and stop reading it. "Why is this happening for them and not me?"
I do not want this to be the case with my blog. I want you to know that I have and am still fighting the battle PCOS and I understand. I don't know whether to just say that I am not going to write about my pregnancy or risk upsetting people that I have grown to care about. Any ideas? Any suggestions? Any pointers?
I would love to write about the steps I took towards conceiving but is that just rubbing salt in the wounds you are carrying? Once again, please let me know...
With the end of this little blubber of words, I will go against all my feelings and show you a picture of the "baby". Keep in mind that the ultrasound picture was taken about five weeks ago. So I am a little further along but man oh man am I big!
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26