
Friday, December 26, 2008

Self- Discipline

I lack self-discipline. That is all there is to it. You can see it in our fianaces, my health and weight, and many other areas of life. So if I need just two quick words to sum up my goals for the coming year it would have to be... self-discipline. I am sitting here, watching DH clean the carpets and I am thinking about the long day we have had together and there is still a whole week. Today a situation occured and while it was not my husband's fault or mine, I retaliated. I am stubborn and I was hurt and the situation has torn me down to nothing. I am upset at myself for letting this person get to me like this. So as I look forward to the New Year I am going to work on self-discipline. So here is a quick list of my "goals" for the coming New Year.

1) Read a chapter of the Bible every morning before rising.
2) Take EVERYTHING to the Lord. So often I just came to him when I need something or I am in despair. I need to pray about everything.
3) Be slow to anger.

1) I am really enjoying my new Child Care business so I am wanting to get that going more.
2) Be more patient.
3) Be outside more.
4) Use blogging as an outlet more.

1) Stick to the budget.
2) No more eating out "just because".
3) Take better care of what we have.
4) Be content
5) Send $1000 extra towards debt/ month. This may be hard but we will scrimp and save and cut the budget if we have to.

1) Go on a little or big date once a week.

1) Exercise daily somehow.
2) More water
3) Stick to weight watchers.

1) Read with them more.
2) Get back to using cloth diapers at home.
3) More outdoors and play instead of TV
4) Make the kids eat at the table.

So there it is. I would appreciate your prayers ahead of time. I am not very good with N.Y's goals but I want to make a goal of it. It also gets back to the two words I began with.. Self-control.

Proverbs 25:28: "Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls."

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