
Friday, August 27, 2010

Why I Think It's Cool to Obey the Limits, Even When I Get Evil Looks

I used to be "heck on wheels" and "drive like a bat outta heck" but I have changed my driving ways.

Since I am a 25 year old, mother of almost three, wife, soccer mom and mini van driver- all things I vowed I would NEVER be- I thought I'd throw people's opinions to the wind.

Here is a list of why I think driving the speed limit is cool regardless of what other's (mainly other drivers on the road with me) think:
  • Your car will get better gas mileage. Therefore, you will save money on gas!
  • You are more able to pay attention and view what others around you are doing.
  • Driving faster gives you less time to react to those in front of you, if something darts in front of you, etc.
  • I full more in control and less "road ragey".
  • You will avoid accidents and tickets. This saves a ton of headache, sanity and $$!
These are just a few examples of why driving slow saves me and my sanity money.

Here are a few more ways to save money on your car:
  • As above says, drive slower.
  • Try to avoid breaking quickly.
  • Properly maintain cars according to manufacturers recommendations.
  • Combine errands and other running around duties.
  • "Lighten the Load" - Take things out of your car and trunk. That extra stuff is holding you and your $$ back.
Those are just a few ways I can think of to save money on your car. Do you have any good tips or ideas? If so, share in the comments. I would love to hear!

This post is linked to Frugal Fridays over at Life As Mom.

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