
Sunday, March 1, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Today was a REALLY great day! I have been feeling very heavy-hearted with a lot of things weighing on me. At church this morning Pastor Hamilton set things straight. There are a lot of tears and painful sharing but forgiveness was given and things were moved past. The Lord was truly there today.

With so much weighing on my mind I haven't been able to sleep lately. So after letting things go, I came home and sleep sound for three hours. I feel like a whole new person. So after those burdens have been lifted, I am ready to begin a new week filled with hope and smiles. So lets begin with a menu. :)

Monday: BBQ Beef Sandwiches, Corn and green beans

Tuesday: Pork chops and Rice

Wednesday: Church Fellowship Meal

Thursday: Homemade Pizza with sliced fruit and carrot sticks

Friday and Saturday: We will be out of town.

It's a pretty easy eating week.

It's hard to make a menu plan when you are stuffed to the gill from dinner at your in-laws but I will try to be more creative next week.

Go to Organized Junkie for more menu plans.

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